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KEY DATES 2023-24

Key Liturgical Dates including Holy Days of Obligation that do not fall on a Sunday

  • Friday 29/09 Diocesan Schools Mass
  • Wednesday 01/11 All Saints Day *Holy Day of Obligation*
  • Sunday 03/12 First Sunday of Advent
  • Monday 25/12 Nativity of the Lord
  • Wednesday 14/02 Ash Wednesday *Day of Fasting and Abstinence*
  • Sunday 18/02 First Sunday of Lent
  • Thursday 09/05 Feast of Ascension of our Lord *Holy Day of Obligation*
  • Friday 07/06 SJB Trust Mass in Walsingham
  • Monday 24/06 Feast of St John the Baptist


We communicate Our Mission and support students and staff through our shared Catholic ethos.

We produce a 'Pebble' powerpoint each week based on the Sunday's Gospel, Feast Days and Awareness Days.  Each Pebble contains inspiring reflections, images, wellbeing activities and prayers that can be easily adapted for assemblies, liturgies and prayer time. 

Click on date to download a copy onto your computer and then edit it as required.

Autumn 1

Click on a date to open the Pebble.  Then save an editable copy.

Weekly Theme Feasts, Events and Awareness Days
03/09 CAFOD Resources Update Primary | Secondary
17/09 21/09 International Day of Peace
01/10 04/10 Feast of St Francis
08/10 10/10 World Mental Health Day
15/10 Feast of St Theresa of Avila

Autumn 2

Click on a date to open the Pebble.  Then save an editable copy.

Weekly Theme Feasts, Events & Awareness Days
30/10 Feast of All Saints (Holy Day of Obligation)
06/11 11/11 Remembrance Day
13/11 Anti-Bullying Week
04/12 First Sunday of Advent

Spring 1

Click on a date to open the Pebble.  Then save an editable copy.

Weekly Theme Feasts, Events & Awareness Days
31/12 Feast of the Holy Family
07/01 Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord
14/01 2nd Sunday of OT
21/01 3rd Sunday of OT | Holocaust Memorial Day (27/01)
28/01 4th Sunday of OT
04/02 5th Sunday of OT
11/02 6th Sunday of OT | Shrove Tuesday |
Ash Wednesday


Spring 2

Click on a date to open the Pebble.  Then save an editable copy.

Weekly Theme Feasts, Events & Awareness Days
25/02 2nd Sunday of Lent
03/03 3rd Sunday of Lent
10/03 4th Sunday of Lent
17/03 5th Sunday of Lent
24/03 Palm Sunday

Summer 1

Click on a date to open the Pebble.  Then save an editable copy.

Weekly Theme Feasts, Events & Awareness Days
14/04 3rd Sunday of Easter
21/04 4th Sunday of Easter
28/04 5th Sunday of Easter
05/05 6th Sunday of Easter
12/05 7th Sunday of Easter
19/05 Feast of Pentecost

Summer 2

Click on a date to open the Pebble.  Then save an editable copy.

Weekly Theme Feasts, Events & Awareness Days
02/06 Corpus Christi
09/06 10th Sunday of Ordinary Time | 08/06 UN World Oceans Day
16/06 11th Sunday of Ordinary Time | National Refugee Week
23/06 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time
30/06 Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul
07/07 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time
14/07 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Resources for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany


Resources for Ash Wednesday, Lent, Easter and Pentecost

Here are some resources that you can download copies and edit as you wish.

Preparing for Lent

Ash Wednesday Service

Sacrament of Reconciliation

CAFOD Resources for Lent

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CAFOD's Big Lent Walk

Join the Big Lent Walk to support communities around the world living in extreme poverty. 

Set up a JustGiving page for your school or class and set your Lenten walking target, and use our prayer and fundraising resources to find out how each step you take will make a big difference!

Join the Big Lent Walk

Catholic Education Training 

Ethos Training

We have created a series of twilight Zoom training sessions for staff who are new to teaching in a Catholic school. For details and dates, speak to your Headteacher.

For further info on Catholic Education follow these links:

Catholic Social Teaching

We believe that our Catholic values are best shown through our love for each other and by working for justice and an end to poverty.  Catholic Social Teaching has 9 key principles.

For a more detailed description of each of the 9 Teachings click on CST booklet.

We work closely with the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD).

CAFOD's vision and mission draws directly from Catholic Social Teaching (CST).

Over the last five years CAFOD have been particularly inspired by Pope Francis' encyclical letter Laudato Si'.  Pope Francis calls us all to respond to both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor in Our Common Home.

For resources to explore the key principles and to embed them into your curriculum view CAFOD's CST PACK.

 Other Organisations & Support Agencies

CAFOD East Anglia

Key Dates 2023-24

  • 05/09 Autumn Pack available
  • 06/10 CAFOD Harvest Family Fast Day
  • 03/01 Sign up for CAFOD’s Big Lent Walk
  • 23/02 Lent Family Fast Day
  • 11/04 Campaign Resources available



Find out about our monthly Zoom catch-ups for chaplains: 

Contact CAFOD

CAFOD East Anglia offer trained DBS checked volunteers to deliver global themed workshops and assemblies (in person or via Zoom) at a time that best suits you.  To book a slot contact  Jane Crone.

Get in touch with the National Team by email or follow us on twitter if you would like to:

  • Find out about our in-service training for teachers and chaplains in Catholic schools, and training for youth leaders and youth outreach teams
  • Discover how to join our network of volunteers to support our education work across England and Wales.

Diocese of East Anglia & IGNITE

Diocesan Schools Service Commission (Diocese of East Anglia

The Diocesan Youth Team broadcast a live assembly on the third Thursday of each month at 9:15am via the Ignite YouTube Channel.  The assemblies are then also available to stream when you wish.  

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For details of how the Diocesan Youth Service's Ignite Team can support your school visit Ignite's website.